Dinosaurs take over at the Mississippi Aquarium

During the Memorial Day Weekend, several families decided to travel back in time to meet some friendly and not-so-friendly giants.

This past Saturday, the Mississippi Aquarium officially opened up the Dinosaurs around the World exhibit which features a variety of animatronic dinosaurs.

Each dinosaur has fun facts in front of it such as its name, size, geographic location, and more to help people learn about these former beasts.

Visitor Programs Assistant Manager Carley Zapf says the turnout for the opening weekend was a complete success with nearly record-breaking attendances at the aquarium. “For a lot of people, dinosaurs in an aquarium may kind of seem like apples and oranges, but they really kind of go hand and hand. Many of these areas these dinosaurs used to inhabit are now covered by our world’s oceans, and here in Mississippi we had several different types of dinosaurs all the way from terrestrials to aquatics.”

Tickets to the aquarium cost $29.95 for adults, $24.95 for children, and $26.95 for seniors.

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