Sanders on withdrawing from race: ‘It’s time to go’ – Mississippi’s Best Community Newspaper

NATCHEZ — Judge Lillie Sanders, who has served the Sixth Circuit Court District that includes Adams, Amite, Franklin and Wilkinson counties since 1989, has withdrawn from seeking reelection after her name appeared on the ballot unopposed.

Sanders said after facing health issues, she just decided “it’s time.”

“I have enjoyed and count it an honor and privilege to have served the community for as long as I have,” she said. “I feel that any judge should give 100 percent of themselves. When you’ve reached that stage where you’re no longer able to give it 100 percent, it’s time to go.”

Sanders had to leave her position temporarily in April for health reasons.

Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael K. Randolph appointed former circuit judge Forrest “Al” Johnson Jr. to fill her seat temporarily until she returned to it on July 1.

Sanders plans to continue serving until her term ends on Dec. 31, she said.

gov. Tate Reeves has re-opened candidate qualifying for the Nov. 8 to fill Sander’s seat.

Any candidates seeking to run in the Nov. 8 general election for Circuit Judge, District 6, Post 1, must file qualifying paperwork with the State Board of Election Commissioners by 5 pm on Friday, Aug. 5.

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