Governor Hutchinson asked HHS for clarification regarding sponsorship review for unaccompanied minor immigrants: Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson

For immediate publication

Governor Hutchinson asked HHS for clarity regarding sponsorship review for unaccompanied minor immigrants

Also: Government change guidelines so that more Arkansans can receive COIVD boosters

SMALL STONE – Governor Asa Hutchinson has sent the US Department of Health (HHS) a letter expressing concern about the number of under-screened sponsors hosting unaccompanied minor immigrants in Arkansas.

Nearly 700 unaccompanied minor immigrants were sent to Arkansas in fiscal 2021, Governor Hutchinson said during his weekly news conference today. This is more than twice the amount of sponsorships in Arkansas in previous years.

“You’re not doing a good job of checking,” the governor said, referring to HHS. “They give it to people who have no sense of responsibility.”

Mischa Martin, director of child and family services for the Arkansas Department of Human Services, reports that she was involved in seven specific cases involving unaccompanied minors over the past month.

Some of the children have been abandoned and others are living in dire conditions with sponsors, Governor Hutchinson said. Under state law, the DHS has an obligation and responsibility to protect the health and safety of children regardless of their immigrant status.

Unaccompanied minors are not eligible for Medicaid or other benefits, so the cost of their care falls to the state, he said.

The governor is asking HHS to meet with executives from Arkansas and other states to explain the review process and determine where the process needs improvement.

Booster recordings

The governor also announced that after consulting with Dr. Jose Romero, Secretary of the Arkansas Department of Health, is changing his COVID Immunization Policy “to make booster vaccinations more available. We want more people to get the booster intake. Federal politics is a bit confusing and limited … We are changing that. “

The state’s new policy allows anyone 18 and older to get a booster of the Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J shots. “This is the Arkansas recommendation by the Arkansas Department of Health,” said Governor Hutchinson. “This is a change in guidelines. It will clear up confusion and encourage everyone down the line to have the chance. ”

The governor reiterated his encouragement for parents to have their children vaccinated.

President Biden’s Infrastructure Act

Governor Hutchinson said he supports President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill, which will send $ 4 billion to Arkansas for highways, bridges, broadband expansion and urban water systems improvement.

“We have worked for that through the Trump administration and now the Biden administration, and it’s good for Arkansas to have it become law,” said the governor. “This state should receive … nearly $ 4 billion in benefits in terms of the hard highway infrastructure … water projects … broadband expansion. Some fear that this will lead to greater human infrastructure or expense accounting, which I oppose, but let’s not let that prevent us from doing what we wanted to do in a bipartisan way. I am happy that it will pass. “

You can read the HHS letter HERE.

You can view the full briefing HERE.

You can view the slide presentation of today’s briefing HERE.

CONTACT: Press Department ([email protected])

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